Major Symposium C: Acute and Chronic Inflammation

Saturday, May 11, 2019
8:00 am - 11:30 am
Ballroom 20D

Major Symposium C: Acute and Chronic Inflammation


  • Claudia Kemper, NHLBI, NIH
  • Michael C. Carroll, Boston Children’s Hosp.


  • Claudia Kemper, NHLBI, NIH, An unexpected key role for the complosome in cell metabolism
  • Michael C. Carroll, Boston Children’s Hosp., Functional importance of allelic differences in human complement C4A and C4B in inflammatory disease
  • Jörg Köhl, Univ. of Lübeck, Germany, Non-canonical functions of complement in inflammatory diseases
  • Clare E. Bryant, Univ. of Cambridge, England, Pattern recognition receptor signalling in response to bacterial infection
  • Grace Y. Chen, Univ. of Michigan, Regulation of intestinal inflammation by NLRs and the gut microbiota
  • Susan Carpenter, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, The how and why of lncRNA function during inflammation
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