NIH Grants Workshop: Demystifying the Grant Application Submission, Review, and Funding Processes

Sunday, May 12, 2019
10:15 am – 12:15 pm
Room 30AB

NIH Grants Workshop: Demystifying the Grant Application Submission, Review, and Funding Processes


  • Tina McIntyre, CSR, NIH


  • Tina McIntyre, Scientific Review Officer, III Study Section, Immunology IRG, DPPS, CSR, NIH
  • Deborah Hodge, Scientific Review Officer, HAI Study Section, Immunology IRG, DPPS, CSR, NIH
  • Joseph Breen, Chief, Immunoregulation Section, Basic Immunology Branch, DAIT, NIAID, NIH

This workshop will provide participants with an overview of NIH grant submission, assignment, review, and funding opportunities. Emphasis will be given to identification of the most appropriate funding agencies and mechanisms available through NIH, how to make an application “reviewer friendly”, and other strategies that contribute to applications that succeed in obtaining research funding. The workshop will also provide information on how to understand the peer review system, which is essential to competing successfully for funding, with a focus on recent changes to the review process. NIH review and program staff will provide a broad array of expertise and encourage questions from seminar participants. This workshop is open to anyone interested in learning more about preparing an NIH grant application and obtaining NIH funding. Trainees and independent investigators are welcome.

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